Moon- Dreans
Dreams (Left)
Moon (Right)
Within the astrological chart there are twelve Zodiac signs which represent the positions of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets at the time of a person’s birth. Pisces is the twelfth sign which is aligned with those born between the dates of February 19th and March 20th. The Pisces has a multitude of associated symbols such as the water lily, the moon, and two fish that swim in opposite direction of each other.
The fish represent the struggles that Pisceans have balancing their intellectual thoughts and their deep emotions, therefore this sign is recognized as a dreamer. The moon is representative of a Pisces connection with their inner intuitive, artistic, and imaginative self. The water lily- the flower of the Pisces- is a signifier of spiritual love connection and on-going growth and blooming.
Pisceans are known for their caring and compassionate traits and are focused on attaining balance between physical and spiritual well-being. Since Pieces are categorized as one of the three water signs of the astrological chart, they are prone to absorbing people’s energies, empathizing, and assisting in healing and curing processes
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